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The Early Career Framework

The Early Career Framework (ECF)

To register teachers on the joint Gloucestershire Odyssey and Balcarras ECF Programme in partnership with UCL, please click here for the  ECF Registration Form or  email and we will get in touch to provide you with further information.

The Early Career Framework (ECF) is transforming the support and development offer for teachers at the start of their career.  Since September 2021, all early career teachers (ECTs) - newly qualified teacher in their first or second year of induction - are entitled to an ‘ECF induction’.

This entitles early career teachers to two years of support including:

  • 2 years of new, funded, high-quality training available either as a Full Induction Programme (FIP), Core Induction Programme (CIP) or school-based programme (see below)
  • 10 % time away from the classroom in year 1 AND 5% time away from the classroom for teachers in their second year
  • a dedicated mentor for weekly mentoring sessions

Schools receive:

  • Funding to cover mentors’ time with the mentee in the second year of teaching
  • Further funding for schools opting for the Full Induction Programme (FIP) to backfill for mentors to take part in training (36 hours over 2 years)

Schools have three choices in terms of how they provide an ECF-based induction:

Full Induction Programme

Schools are encouraged by the Department for Education to choose a Full Induction Programme (FIP) approach to induction. This is a free-to-use programme that offers high-quality training for early career teachers and their mentors delivered by an external provider that compliments the self-study and mentor sessions. This is the easiest option for schools and schools benefit from the highest level of financial investment from the DfE. In addition, where schools opt for a FIP, the Appropriate Body does not need to carry out ECF fidelity checks. This is because the providers of FIPs will already be subject to separate quality assurance through Ofsted and contract management. The cost of Appropriate Body services for schools using a FIP will therefore be lower than for schools using other options.

Core Induction Programme

Schools opting for the Core Induction Programme (CIP) approach to induction are able to draw upon the ECF materials developed by lead providers (national organisations commissioned by DfE to create the materials) but they then need to self-fund, design and deliver the early-career teacher and mentor training themselves. 

Where schools deliver induction through a CIP, additional quality assurance will be necessary by the Appropriate Body in order to safeguard ECTs’ entitlement to an ECF-based induction. Costs for this service will therefore be greater.

School Based Programme 

Schools choosing to use a school-based programme of induction will receive no support from the DfE in creating or procuring their own programme, subject or phase-specific coaching, and training for mentors in line with the Statutory Guidance. Schools delivering their own induction programmes will require an Appropriate Body to check these have been designed and delivered with fidelity to the ECF. There are likely to be significant additional costs associated with these fidelity checks.

Odyssey/Balcarras/UCL  Full Induction Programme Offer

Odyssey is proud to be working in collaboration with  Balcarras Teaching School Hub, Adfecto, Gloucestershire Local Authority to provide the best understanding of the Gloucestershire context, however refreshing and restructuring, with the new national ECF requirements and additional exciting opportunities for Early Career Teachers in the area.

For general information about the FIP, please click here:

For more specific information about our Gloucestershire FIP for primary schools please click here:

For more information about our Gloucestershire FIP for secondary schools please click here: